Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Post Mango Groove Glow

It's official - last night I had the best Valentine's fun I think I've ever had.  That's not to take away from the truly romantic previous Valentine's nights I've spent wedged beween my parents on the couch watching taped episodes of Cheaters (The Father's a huge fan).  But last night, honestly, was the best fun I've had with clothes on (and off) since I scarcely can remember.  (I do still hold dear the memory of when I had slightly more fun - but I refuse to sully the dignity of this blog with its sordid, sworded details.)

Last night was spectacular.  I feel like a whole person this morning - like all of my wobbly bits have been firmed up from dancing.  And also that I am a lucky lucky Pant because I got to spend my day of love with the people that I truly love: The Daughter, The BF, my people, and Carlos; My Future Ex-Husband Who Has Less Than No Desire To Actually Caress My Inner Thigh and his Long-Term-Lover-Friend and My Future Ex-In-Laws.  Representatives from the joys of all my life: The Daughter, coupled with best friend coupled with some gay lovin'.  Well, that's just too much of rad.

There are no words to describe The Daughter's kiffness.  Man alive!  But having my girl at the concert of the band that I first saw when I was around about the same age as her, was a proper full circle moment for me.  She knows the words to Special Star!  Ah!  And the fact that she danced holes in the grass at the Botanical Gardens - well, I'm just a super proud mama cat.  And I've got to tell you, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree: Her wit and sarcasm, and the fact that she was born to be on stage was made very evident last night in a conversation with Long-Term-Lover-Friend.

The (seriously shocking) curtain raiser band, also known (in my circle) as The Razor Blade Band, also known as Thomas Kane (methinks) were on stage.  They had the stage presence of cream paper.  And a voice so jarring that the hair on the back of my neck has grown a few inches.  His screams, mid-song, caused my earballs to close up like sea anemones.  Crikey.

The Daughter:  Who said they could go on the stage?

Long-Term-Lover-Friend:  They're a live band.  That's why they're on stage.

TD:  But aren't we here to see Mango Groove?

LTLF:  Yes.  Mango Groove are coming now now.  These guys are just playing a bit.

TD:  Well, can we ask them to get off so that we can go and play on there?  They've had a very long turn.

Their turn was too long.  And I fear if Mango Groove hadn't been so rad, I'd have been on the phone to The Father this morning discussing the validity of legally suing The Botanical Gardens for both physical and emotional trauma.

But Claire Johnstone is an oral and aural goddess.  And the middle back up lady singer person!  She is my idol.  If only I could move my body like that.  But try I did.  All night long.  With my groovy little girl.  Radness.

I've got the post-orgasmic glow of the single lady - Post Mango Groove Glow.  It would take a naked 90-year-old man with a semi to wipe the smile off my face today.

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